
usage: snet channel [-h] COMMAND ...



Possible choices: init, init-metadata, open-init, open-init-metadata, extend-add, extend-add-for-org, block-number, print-initialized, print-initialized-filter-org, print-all-filter-sender, print-all-filter-recipient, print-all-filter-group, print-all-filter-group-sender, claim-timeout, claim-timeout-all



Initialize channel taking org metadata from Registry

snet channel init [-h] [--registry-at REGISTRY_AT]
                  [--multipartyescrow-at MULTIPARTYESCROW_AT]
                  ORG_ID group_name CHANNEL_ID

Positional Arguments


Id of the Organization


Name of the payment group. Parameter should be specified only for services with several payment groups


The Channel Id

Named Arguments

--registry-at, --registry

Address of Registry contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”

--multipartyescrow-at, --mpe

Address of MultiPartyEscrow contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”


Initialize channel using organization metadata

snet channel init-metadata [-h] [--registry-at REGISTRY_AT]
                           [--metadata-file METADATA_FILE]
                           [--multipartyescrow-at MULTIPARTYESCROW_AT]
                           [--wallet-index WALLET_INDEX]
                           ORG_ID group_name CHANNEL_ID

Positional Arguments


Id of the Organization


Name of the payment group. Parameter should be specified only for services with several payment groups


The Channel Id

Named Arguments

--registry-at, --registry

Address of Registry contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”


Service metadata json file (default service_metadata.json)

Default: “organization_metadata.json”

--multipartyescrow-at, --mpe

Address of MultiPartyEscrow contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”

optional call arguments


Wallet index of account to use for calling (defaults to session.identity.default_wallet_index)


Open and initialize channel using organization metadata from Registry

snet channel open-init [-h] [--registry-at REGISTRY_AT] [--force]
                       [--signer SIGNER]
                       [--multipartyescrow-at MULTIPARTYESCROW_AT]
                       [--gas-price GAS_PRICE] [--wallet-index WALLET_INDEX]
                       [--yes] [--quiet | --verbose] [--open-new-anyway]
                       [--from-block FROM_BLOCK]
                       ORG_ID group_name AMOUNT EXPIRATION

Positional Arguments


Id of the Organization


Name of the payment group. Parameter should be specified only for services with several payment groups


Amount of AGI tokens to put in the new channel


expiration time in blocks (<int>), or in blocks related to the current_block (+<int>blocks), or in days related to the current_block and assuming 15 sec/block (+<int>days)

Named Arguments

--registry-at, --registry

Address of Registry contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”


Skip check for very high (>6 month) expiration time

Default: False


Signer for the channel (by default is equal to the sender)

--multipartyescrow-at, --mpe

Address of MultiPartyEscrow contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”


Skip check that channel already exists and open new channel anyway

Default: False


Start searching from this block (for channel searching)

Default: 0

transaction arguments


Ethereum gas price in Wei or time based gas price strategy (‘fast’ ~1min, ‘medium’ ~5min or ‘slow’ ~60min) (defaults to session.default_gas_price)


Wallet index of account to use for signing (defaults to session.identity.default_wallet_index)

--yes, -y

Skip interactive confirmation of transaction payload

Default: False

--quiet, -q

Quiet transaction printing

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Verbose transaction printing

Default: False


Open and initialize channel using organization metadata

snet channel open-init-metadata [-h] [--registry-at REGISTRY_AT] [--force]
                                [--signer SIGNER]
                                [--multipartyescrow-at MULTIPARTYESCROW_AT]
                                [--gas-price GAS_PRICE]
                                [--wallet-index WALLET_INDEX] [--yes]
                                [--quiet | --verbose] [--open-new-anyway]
                                [--from-block FROM_BLOCK]
                                [--metadata-file METADATA_FILE]
                                ORG_ID group_name AMOUNT EXPIRATION

Positional Arguments


Id of the Organization


Name of the payment group. Parameter should be specified only for services with several payment groups


Amount of AGI tokens to put in the new channel


expiration time in blocks (<int>), or in blocks related to the current_block (+<int>blocks), or in days related to the current_block and assuming 15 sec/block (+<int>days)

Named Arguments

--registry-at, --registry

Address of Registry contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”


Skip check for very high (>6 month) expiration time

Default: False


Signer for the channel (by default is equal to the sender)

--multipartyescrow-at, --mpe

Address of MultiPartyEscrow contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”


Skip check that channel already exists and open new channel anyway

Default: False


Start searching from this block (for channel searching)

Default: 0


Service metadata json file (default service_metadata.json)

Default: “organization_metadata.json”

transaction arguments


Ethereum gas price in Wei or time based gas price strategy (‘fast’ ~1min, ‘medium’ ~5min or ‘slow’ ~60min) (defaults to session.default_gas_price)


Wallet index of account to use for signing (defaults to session.identity.default_wallet_index)

--yes, -y

Skip interactive confirmation of transaction payload

Default: False

--quiet, -q

Quiet transaction printing

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Verbose transaction printing

Default: False


Set new expiration for the channel and add funds

snet channel extend-add [-h] [--expiration EXPIRATION] [--force]
                        [--amount AMOUNT]
                        [--multipartyescrow-at MULTIPARTYESCROW_AT]
                        [--gas-price GAS_PRICE] [--wallet-index WALLET_INDEX]
                        [--yes] [--quiet | --verbose]

Positional Arguments


The Channel Id

Named Arguments

--multipartyescrow-at, --mpe

Address of MultiPartyEscrow contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”

Expiration and amount


expiration time in blocks (<int>), or in blocks related to the current_block (+<int>blocks), or in days related to the current_block and assuming 15 sec/block (+<int>days)


Skip check for very high (>6 month) expiration time

Default: False


Amount of AGI tokens to add to the channel

transaction arguments


Ethereum gas price in Wei or time based gas price strategy (‘fast’ ~1min, ‘medium’ ~5min or ‘slow’ ~60min) (defaults to session.default_gas_price)


Wallet index of account to use for signing (defaults to session.identity.default_wallet_index)

--yes, -y

Skip interactive confirmation of transaction payload

Default: False

--quiet, -q

Quiet transaction printing

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Verbose transaction printing

Default: False


Set new expiration and add funds for the channel for the given service

snet channel extend-add-for-org [-h] [--registry-at REGISTRY_AT]
                                [--expiration EXPIRATION] [--force]
                                [--amount AMOUNT]
                                [--multipartyescrow-at MULTIPARTYESCROW_AT]
                                [--gas-price GAS_PRICE]
                                [--wallet-index WALLET_INDEX] [--yes]
                                [--quiet | --verbose]
                                [--group-name GROUP_NAME]
                                [--channel-id CHANNEL_ID]
                                [--from-block FROM_BLOCK]
                                ORG_ID group_name

Positional Arguments


Id of the Organization


Name of the payment group. Parameter should be specified only for services with several payment groups

Named Arguments

--registry-at, --registry

Address of Registry contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”

--multipartyescrow-at, --mpe

Address of MultiPartyEscrow contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”


Name of the payment group. Parameter should be specified only for services with several payment groups


The Channel Id (only in case of multiply initialized channels for the same payment group)


Start searching from this block (for channel searching)

Default: 0

Expiration and amount


expiration time in blocks (<int>), or in blocks related to the current_block (+<int>blocks), or in days related to the current_block and assuming 15 sec/block (+<int>days)


Skip check for very high (>6 month) expiration time

Default: False


Amount of AGI tokens to add to the channel

transaction arguments


Ethereum gas price in Wei or time based gas price strategy (‘fast’ ~1min, ‘medium’ ~5min or ‘slow’ ~60min) (defaults to session.default_gas_price)


Wallet index of account to use for signing (defaults to session.identity.default_wallet_index)

--yes, -y

Skip interactive confirmation of transaction payload

Default: False

--quiet, -q

Quiet transaction printing

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Verbose transaction printing

Default: False


Print the last ethereum block number

snet channel block-number [-h]


Claim timeout of the channel

snet channel claim-timeout [-h] [--multipartyescrow-at MULTIPARTYESCROW_AT]
                           [--gas-price GAS_PRICE]
                           [--wallet-index WALLET_INDEX] [--yes]
                           [--quiet | --verbose]

Positional Arguments


The Channel Id

Named Arguments

--multipartyescrow-at, --mpe

Address of MultiPartyEscrow contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”

transaction arguments


Ethereum gas price in Wei or time based gas price strategy (‘fast’ ~1min, ‘medium’ ~5min or ‘slow’ ~60min) (defaults to session.default_gas_price)


Wallet index of account to use for signing (defaults to session.identity.default_wallet_index)

--yes, -y

Skip interactive confirmation of transaction payload

Default: False

--quiet, -q

Quiet transaction printing

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Verbose transaction printing

Default: False


Claim timeout for all channels which have current identity as a sender.

snet channel claim-timeout-all [-h]
                               [--multipartyescrow-at MULTIPARTYESCROW_AT]
                               [--gas-price GAS_PRICE]
                               [--wallet-index WALLET_INDEX] [--yes]
                               [--quiet | --verbose] [--from-block FROM_BLOCK]

Named Arguments

--multipartyescrow-at, --mpe

Address of MultiPartyEscrow contract, if not specified we read address from “networks”


Start searching from this block (for channel searching)

Default: 0

transaction arguments


Ethereum gas price in Wei or time based gas price strategy (‘fast’ ~1min, ‘medium’ ~5min or ‘slow’ ~60min) (defaults to session.default_gas_price)


Wallet index of account to use for signing (defaults to session.identity.default_wallet_index)

--yes, -y

Skip interactive confirmation of transaction payload

Default: False

--quiet, -q

Quiet transaction printing

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Verbose transaction printing

Default: False